🔮 My 2024 Predictions for Freelance Writers

Come peek inside my crystal ball

Happy New Year, fellow freelance writers!

While I usually love goal setting, vision boarding, and choosing a word of the year, my 2023 holiday season ended with a trip to the ER for one of my kids. Everything is A-ok but it left me emotionally drained and just needing some movie and board game time during the last few days of the year.

So today, I’m finally starting to look ahead to 2024. My husband and I casually chatted about business goals and action items over coffee this morning and I started to feel motivated to jump back into my client work today.

It also got me thinking about the changes I’ve seen in the freelancing world over the last year. And so I give you…my top four predictions for 2024!

[Check out my predictions from last year - you’ll see one trend again that I believe is continuing to evolve!]

#1: Freelancer scams are getting worse

Let’s get the bad news out of the way first. In early 2023, I noticed an uptick in fake job postings for freelancers and I continue to hear about this from other writers on social media. The scammer’s goal is to steal financial information, often with a fake login link to your bank or PayPal account. Apparently the interview processes for these fake positions can be quite convincing but not without red flags, so trust your gut if something feels off!

But in addition to fake clients, there’s a new threat emerging as well: fake freelancers posing as more established writers! I’ve heard this happen to a couple of different writers in different industries recently - someone poses as them to apply for jobs, even creating false email accounts using the writer’s name.

👉 While there’s no perfect solution to this problem, maintaining an active online presence can help potential clients figure out whether or not they’re talking to the real you!

#2: Companies are increasing their contractor verification process

This is something I’ve noticed growing in the last several months of 2023. Many new and existing clients are requiring extra information to make sure you qualify as a contractor and not a part-time employee. I’ve heard of freelancers getting cut because they didn’t pass the independent contractor test.

👉 Extra information clients are looking for include things like an EIN instead of a social security number (very simple to get from the IRS), external marketing activities for your freelancing business, and any business licenses or certifications you hold.

#3: AI editing is becoming a new skill set

Worrying about AI taking over our jobs is so 2023! Instead, many companies are looking for writers and experts to work with AI programs to create content more quickly. I’m not thrilled about the idea - you know how it feels easier to write your own piece instead of having to rewrite and improve a completed article? That’s what this feels like and can also drive down prices.

👉 On the other hand, AI editing could be an extra service you add in order to diversify your income stream. I’d love to know your thoughts on this one!

#4: Freelancers are becoming a real community

This is hands down my favorite prediction for 2024: the feeling of working alone as a freelancer is waning! There are so many networks and resources to connect and learn from other freelancers. Start connecting with other writers on LinkedIn, follow a few podcasts, and sign up for some newsletters (so glad you’re here! And there are other freelancers with amazing newsletters sharing different perspectives!).

It’s such a change from when I started freelancing in 2012 and blindly built my business alone.

👉 While it may seem harder to break into freelancing now, there are so many ways to learn from others and share the experience together.

Do you have any of your own freelancing predictions for 2024? Hit reply and let me know!

🥂 Cheers to a calm and prosperous 2024,


When you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you with your freelance business:

  1. Organize your business with my income tracker or pitch tracker.

  2. Read The Fully Booked Freelance Writer to follow my exact process for keeping a full schedule (whatever that looks like for you).