Lone wolf or pack animal?

I'm starting to dig community

Thank you to this week’s Write with Lauren sponsor:

Delegate to Elevate

You’re always willing to do more to grow your business. But what about less? Because to experience growth, you canʼt keep doing it all – you have to learn to delegate. BELAY could help you reclaim an average of 15 hours weekly with a U.S.-based Virtual Assistant, Accounting Professional, or Social Media Manager. The best part? You can be intentionally matched with the right hire in as little as one week.

Hey freelance friend,

What’s your preference when it comes to working with clients? Do you love collaborating and communicating? Or do you appreciate a quick set of email instructions as you’re sent on your way to write?

I used to be solely Team Lone Wolf. Minimal contact worked for me, even if I never heard back on edits or project metrics.

But recently, I’ve had a couple of hands-on clients…and I don’t hate it!

Granted, they’re not high maintenance… they’re just interesting. They’re not unreasonable in their requests to touch base, and the projects pay enough where it feels ok to hop on a quick call to finalize my pitch ideas.

Plus, I feel like I’m learning from these clients - and those on-the-job growth opportunities can be hard to come by as a freelancer. Usually, you’re hired for a specific skill set and clients aren’t interested in helping you sharpen your skills.

So while I certainly don’t make myself available on a whim and do set boundaries and expectations, I’m really enjoying being a little pushed, taking ownership of my work, and hearing when a story goes viral (like a ranking article I wrote that got 185k views!).

Whatever type of client you prefer, I hope you find ones that fit your work style, but also let you know when your content performs well!

In other news, the Write with Lauren newsletter was recently featured as one of the top solopreneur newsletters by Erik Duncan!

I’m so proud to be included in Erik’s list. Check out the roundup for other inspiring newsletters to follow. I already subscribe to Erik’s weekly edition of The Solopreneur Doorway, and I found some new-to-me newsletters I’ve been enjoying from the list as well, including There’s an AI for That and Happy Creative.

Finally, the fall season is busy with upcoming Q4 budgets, conferences, and general busy-ness. Any trends you’re noticing as a freelancer? Any interesting events or workshop you plan to attend?

Hit reply to let me know - I’d love to share some resources in a future newsletter.

I’m already creating a list of my own development plans for 2025, which I will share later in the fall.

See you next week!
