Need testimonials for your freelance biz? 📤

Grab these easy swipe files.

Hey freelancers!

Testimonials are so important in giving potential new clients social proof that you’re a legitimate writer with happy, paying customers.

And the first quarter is the perfect time of year to refresh this part of your marketing strategy.

You have testimonials, right? And you publish them? 🙃

👇 Here are some tips to get you started or revamp what you’ve currently got.

Where to put testimonials

Testimonials can be used on your website, freelancing platform profile (like Upwork and Fiverr), and social media profiles (and posts, for that matter!).

For me personally, LinkedIn is my go-to place for working with clients, so I have a set of verified recommendations directly on my profile page. Anytime a lead checks out my profile, they see other people who have invested time and money in my services and were happy with the finished product.

I also direct prospects to my LinkedIn testimonials so they know where to find them.

How to ask for testimonials

“What do I actually say when I ask for a testimonial?”

Another freelancer recently asked me this question in my DMs. After all, it can be nerve-wracking to open yourself up to criticsim.

But in the past, I have found that people are more than happy to support you in your business and offer kind words. You just have to ask!

Here’s how I do it.

I try to keep things as casual as possible when requesting favors from my clients. And I also make a point to note that they are part of a larger group of people I’m requesting this information from.

That way it doesn’t feel like there’s a ton of pressure on them to respond if they’re swamped with work.

My testimonial swipe files

Try out these scripts with your most satisfied clients this week. Not only will it help your future business, but it’ll make you feel great about the impact you’re making with your work.

✨ I have two versions for you: one to send via email and one to send via LinkedIn.


Example for Testimonial via Email:

Hi [Client],

I’m reaching out to all of my clients this quarter for quick testimonials about my writing services and I’d love to include you! Feel free to respond directly or I can send you some easy questions to help get the ball rolling. Even a quick quote would be much appreciated!

Thank you,

[Your name]

Example for Recommendation via LinkedIn:

Hi [Client],

Would you mind writing me a recommendation here on LinkedIn when you have a quick moment? Thank you in advance!


[Your name]

Note: You can send a recommendation request directly through LinkedIn and add a personalized message.

🤔 What do you think?

Overall, asking for testimonials is a pretty easy process. And unlike sending pitches, you don’t need a ton of customization for each request.

I’d love to hear if you give this strategy a try. Hit reply and let me know!

Until next week — happy freelancing!


When you’re ready, here are 2 ways I can help you with your freelance business:

  1. Organize your business with my income tracker or pitch tracker.

  2. Read The Fully Booked Freelance Writer to follow my exact process for keeping a full schedule (whatever that looks like for you).