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  • That time I opened an irate client email at the museumšŸ˜žšŸ–¼ļø

That time I opened an irate client email at the museumšŸ˜žšŸ–¼ļø

Boundaries = better mental health

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Are you good with setting boundaries, freelance friend?

It is a constant struggle for me. Back in my office days, I remember salivating at a former co-workerā€™s enthusiasm for the urban cidery she was getting ready to open. ā€œI open work emails at night because Iā€™m excited to!ā€ she told me, speaking of bottle label designs and other entrepreneurial tasks that were mesmerizing to a 20-something stuck in a cubicle.

That memory stayed with me as I began my freelancing business. I checked emails morning, noon, and night because you just never knew when a client or prospect would reach out with a new project!

But as you know, clients send emails for a variety of reasonsā€¦including feedback.

And on one occasion, I completely deflated myself by logging into my email while spending an afternoon at the local art museum with my kiddos.

Trouble at the museum

On the day I realized I needed better work/life boundaries, my kids were in a museum play area, experimenting with senses and artwork. It was a Friday afternoon. I sat down on a nearby bench and casually logged into my email account.

I saw a message from a new client, a lawyer who had paused her corporate career while on maternity leave and wanted landing pages to help launch her own firm.

The message was so vitriolic and accusatory, I was literally shaking as I read her words. My first instinct was to blame myself. How could I have been so far off with her needs?

Then I realized that this was the type of situation where the problem was her, not me. She clearly hadnā€™t opened the latest draft and something was clearly going on in her life to have such a dramatic flip from our friendly calls to an intensely worded email.

I realized this after some detective work, but in the meantime, I completely ruined the afternoon with my kids. I went into emergency ā€œfix-itā€ mode instead of just relaxing. That client definitely didnā€™t need my attention on a Friday afternoon and I was the one who emotionally paid the toll.

How we can all set boundaries as freelance writers

Iā€™m still not perfect about setting times to check my email (because the thrill of a new project or client praise is still there!). BUT, Iā€™m really trying to make more of an effort. My kids are getting older, so Iā€™m trying to set the phone aside more frequently - so I can stay present, set a good example, and NOT get emotionally distracted when weā€™re hanging out.

Here are a few ideas we can experiment with to set those client and email boundaries:

  • Schedule times to check your email: It can be several times a day! But sticking to a routine keeps you focused on other areas of your life, whether itā€™s family time or writing time.

  • Only check emails when youā€™re ready to deal with issues: Opening your work email is a crap shoot. You may have edits, new assignments, admin requests, etc. I find if I randomly check my email during non-work times (like early in the morning or late at night), Iā€™m more likely to let things fall through the cracks.

  • Delete Gmail from your phone: OMG I HAVE NOT DONE THIS! But should I do this??? Do you even have email on your phone? I would love to hear your thoughts. Iā€™m contemplating a social media detox (particularly through election season) and I wonder if email on the phone should be part of it.

What other tips do you have for setting boundaries??

Iā€™d love to know! šŸ¤©

Happy freelancing,
